
Invest in currencies

FX Trading

We help you invest in the largest and trendiest markets available.

FX Trading

We help you invest in the largest and trendiest
markets available.

Our foreign exchange business offers a personal relationship with experienced investment professionals that make recommendations based on your specific needs. We follow a step-by-step process to determine your objectives, identify the appropriate investment strategies and monitor the progress of your portfolio.

Our Process

  • 1Understand your needs and goals
  • 2Analyze possible solutions and alternatives
  • 3Implement your desired strategies
  • 4Monitor investment performance
  • 5Adapt strategies to changing circumstances

PSS FX trading is comprised of spot, forward, swap and time option transactions. Using the functional arrangement of all trading-relevant information including the rate ticker, you can conduct your trade with just a few clicks – quickly and easily over the internet. You can also call up an up-to-date overview of your transaction display in real time.

Our foreign exchange business is built for investors actively managing the day-to-day transactions of their investment portfolio while relying on the guidance of a professional.


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